Press Releases
Case Study Shows ERPHealth Led to Cost-Savings and Improved Reimbursement Rates for Treatment Provider

SLO Recovery Center achieved better in-network rates with First Choice Health of Oregon.
Portland, OR & Philadelphia, PA — Today ERPHealth released a case study demonstrating that its outcome tracking platform (OTP) was used by the SLO Recovery Center in Portland, Oregon to negotiate a better-than-expected per diem reimbursement rate with First Choice Health Network, Inc. ERPHealth was able to collect a year’s worth of outcomes efficacy at SLO Recovery and provide third party-validated data to be used in SLO Recovery contract negotiations with First Choice Health.
In addition to leveraging the data collected from the ERPHealth system to get favorable in-network reimbursement rates, SLO Recovery was also able to add the CPT codes associated with the ERPHealth process (Administration of Gold Standard assessment and evaluation of those assessments by a QMHP) to their fee schedule. The combination of these codes (96130, 96138) amounted to a combined additional $280 per billable event.
The case study is available online here.
“Saving patient lives and saving providers money is not a zero-sum game,” ERPHealth Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer Eric Gremminger stated. “The ERPHealth platform was able to give SLO Recovery a tool that increased their patient success rate and their reimbursement rates — a win-win for everyone involved.”
“I’ve worked in the behavioral health space for over a decade and have been a witness to its evolution towards measurement-based care,” SLO Recovery Operation and Compliance Officer Serenna MacLachlan said. “Demands for better outcomes from patients, parents, payers, and regulatory bodies led us to seek out a tool that can help us to meet those demands without adding burden to our clinical staff. ERPHealth provided a solution for us and the benefits have far exceeded our expectations. Not only has the ERPHealth platform helped us to offer truly individualized care, it has helped us to measure the progress of our patients, inform group, topics, and enhance clinical supervision sessions. It also ensures that we are meeting Joint Commission standards by demonstrating the use of evidence-based outcome measurement procedures to evaluate efficacy. In addition to the clinical benefits, the efficacy data collected through ERPHealth was a major contributor to us getting a favorable rate when going in-network with First Choice Health of Oregon.”
About SLO Recovery: SLO Recovery offers evidenced-based, outpatient (PHP, IOP, OP) drug and alcohol treatment in the heart of the Pacific Northwest. With decades of experience, their mission is to connect people with real answers and sustainable change. They offer many options to meet people’s needs, with an individualized plan that works for them.
About First Choice Health: First Choice Health is a Seattle-based, physician and hospital-owned company that has served Washington and the Northwest since 1985. They now serve approximately 1,030,000 people with their array of products and services. First Choice Health’s Preferred Provider Organization (PPO Network) is recognized as the leading independent PPO Network in Washington and Oregon and has a growing regional presence in Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, and Alaska.
About ERPHealth: ERPHealth is an enterprise-grade technology platform that leverages the power of patient-reported data to individualize treatment, promote health equity, and position providers as industry leaders. Visit erphealth.com for more information.