
Clinical Corner

with Dr. Cori McMahon

Exploring Matters of Access, Equity, and Quality in

Behavioral Healthcare.

Cori McMahon, Psy.D., NCCE

Chief Clinical Officer, ERPHealth

Cori McMahon, Psy.D., NCCE

Chief Clinical Officer, ERPHealth

A Mental Health Moment With Dr. Cori McMahon

A Mental Health Moment With Dr. Cori McMahon

While we know that 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. live with mental illness and over 1 in 5 youth are currently, or have had at some point in their lives, a serious and debilitating mental illness, we don’t want to lose sight of mental health in the context of overall health in the...

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Quality of Life: Introducing the Holistic Hexagon

Quality of Life: Introducing the Holistic Hexagon

As we collectively move into the new year, many will take the opportunity to focus on hitting the reset button on personal and professional goals.  While I generally discourage creating New Year’s resolutions, I do support using the turnover of the year as an opening to take...

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MENtal Health

MENtal Health

Sixty men die by suicide every hour around the globe and in the U.S. alone, men die by suicide at a rate 4x higher than women. Approximately 6 million American males are affected by depression each year and men are 2-3x more likely to misuse drugs than women. An article in the...

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ERPHealth is here to service all for-profit and non-profit organizations in need of outcome tracking tools to improve patient experience, adherence to treatment, and success during treatment.

Improve the health and outcomes across all demographics, while simultaneously increasing sensitivity and understanding of what is needed to better care for communities who have previously been marginalized by traditional ‘one-size-fits-all’ treatment models.