Press Releases
ERPHealth and FoRSE Partnership

ERPHealth Named a Technology Partner by the Nation’s Top Addiction Service Professional Association. The National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers to utilize ERPHealth’s Outcome Tracking Platform (OTP) in their new treatment outcomes program.
PHILADELPHIA, PA (December 6, 2021)— ERPHealth, the Outcome Tracking Platform (OTP) for mental health and substance use disorder providers, has been named a technology partner of the National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers (NAATP) new FoRSE treatment outcomes program. NAATP, a nonprofit professional society that represents hundreds of not-for-profit and for-profit addiction treatment providers, and has been the addiction service profession’s vision, voice, and thought leader for over 40 years and is the latest organization to partner with ERPHealth’s industry-leading ITP.
The NAATP Foundation for Recovery Science and Education (FoRSE) was formed to provide answers and guidance about the effectiveness of addiction treatments by individual patients. FoRSE, led by Executive Director Dr. Annie Peters, relies on a clinical data repository that allows data sharing from diverse populations and technology systems, with the ability to provide site-specific benchmarking reports on aggregated and de-identified data. Current and future behavioral healthcare providers that partner with ERPHealth will have the ability to plug into the FoRSE database at no cost and effectively evaluate the outcomes of different services for varied populations, which reinforces better care decisions for patients.
“These visionary technology companies [including ERPHealth] have partnered with FoRSE by creating the essential connection to our database for their customers, without additional charge to providers or to FoRSE. This ‘plug in’ allows the provider to share de-identified data through the FoRSE Application Programming Interface (API) to our Clinical Data Repository. These strategic collaborators allow providers of treatment and recovery services to efficiently participate in FoRSE, and we applaud their contribution toward the advancement of recovery science.” said Dr. Annie Peters, Executive Director, NAATP speaking on FoRSE’s technology partners.
“Our mission at ERPHealth is to save and transform lives by personalizing the behavioral healthcare process.” said Nick Bardoutsos, President, ERPHealth. “Through our involvement with Dr. Peters and FoRSE, we are able to reinforce the importance of outcome tracking and continue to promote the value of individualized care.”
“ERPHealth is proud to support FoRSE and looks forward to the official launch at the NAATP National Addiction Leadership Conference, NAATP National 2021, December 7th through the 9th in Denver, CO.” said Eric Gremminger, Co-Founder, and CEO, ERPHealth
NAATP National 2021 attendees can learn more about FoRSE during informational sessions hosted by FoRSE Executive Director Dr. Annie Peters on December 8th and by visiting ERPHealth’s conference booth. Further information about the program is available at NAATPFoundation.org.
Contact: Gordon Simmons, ERPHealth, gsimmons@erphealth.com or Annie Peters, PhD, LP, NAATP, apeters@naatp.org
ERPHealth is the US Standard Outcome Tracking Platform to deliver measurement-based care for Behavioral Health. Our enterprise-grade technology leverages the power of patient-reported data to individualize treatment, promote health equity, and position providers as industry leaders.