Designed to meet the needs of payers, providers, members, and families of all backgrounds.

Welcome to GRO+, the nation’s leading SUD/MH High Performance Network (HPN) solution for employers, unions and higher-education.

GRO+ ensures access to cost-effective, high-quality on demand behavioral healthcare services with proven outcomes!|

Why Choose GRO+


Designed to meet the needs of payers, providers, members, and families of all backgrounds.

Welcome to GRO+, the nation’s leading SUD/MH High Performance Network (HPN) solution for employers, unions and higher-education.

GRO + ensures access to cost-effective, high-quality on demand behavioral healthcare services with proven outcomes!

Why Choose GRO+


Cost Avoidance

We provide comprehensive tools that improve care coordination across your network of addiction and mental health providers. Our platform ensures that all care team members have access to the same up-to-date information, fostering collaboration, reducing redundancies and readmissions.

Cost Savings

Reduce overall healthcare expenditure with our exclusive network of high- performance providers who deliver proven-superior care at lower costs.

Improved Outcomes

Benefit from data-driven insights and performance metrics that enhance decision-making and foster better health outcomes driven by our market leading outcomes tracking platform GRO.

Streamlined Operations

Open access through your digital front door GRO+. Simplify administrative processes and reduce overhead with our integrated solutions, freeing up resources to focus on strategic priorities.

Bolt on or Integrate

Technology enables flexibility. Don’t want to change current network providers? No problem! We can supercharge your existing care delivery system by tech-enabling your provider network. Or overlay our HPN to your existing care delivery system.

Are your network providers value-based ready?

Activate real-time clinical outcomes data across your entire care team. GRO+ is patient driven, peer supported and designed to reduce clinical workload while ensuring easy identification of those who are best positioned for shared risk contract arrangements.

Are your network providers value-based ready?

Activate real-time clinical outcomes data across your entire care team. GRO+ is patient driven, peer supported and designed to reduce clinical workload while ensuring easy identification of those who are best positioned for shared risk contract arrangements.



Problems Solved by GRO+


Enhanced Performance

Access tools and resources to improve clinical outcomes, patient satisfaction, and operational efficiency. Reduce clinical work load and burn out.

Access to Quality Care

Participate in a network committed to maintaining the highest standards of behavioral healthcare, ensuring your efforts are recognized and rewarded.

Collaborative Environment

Join a community of top-tier providers with proven outcomes dedicated to continuous improvement and excellence in patient care. Collaborate with payers to achieve value-based care contract arrangements.


Access to Proven Quality & Enhanced Engagement

Tired of google searches and inaccurate, outdated health plan directories? Gain entry to a curated network of the finest healthcare providers in America with proven success, ensuring timely, effective and personalized, addiction and mental health treatment services.

Cost Efficiency

Our providers provide transparency around their success ensuring you and your family get care tailored to your specific needs.Getting healthier quicker and remaining healthier longer equals reduced out-of-pocket cost for members and families.

Quality Assurance

Rest assured that the care you receive meets rigorous quality standards, through third-party verified outcomes data prioritizing you and your families health and well-being is our business.

Problems Solved by GRO+

Rising Healthcare Costs

GRO + mitigates escalating healthcare expenses by leveraging a high- performance network that delivers quality care efficiently.

Variable Care Quality

Standardize care quality across providers, ensuring every member receives the best possible treatment at the time they need it most.

Complex Administrative Burdens

Simplify administrative tasks with our integrated, user-friendly platform that reduces the workload for payers and providers alike.

Limited Access to Quality Providers

Ensure broad, equitable access to top- performing Substance-abuse and mental healthcare professionals for all members.

Poor Member Engagement

User-friendly design and gamificaiton keeps members engaged during and post-treatment at rates up to 3x that of standard practice.

Member Friction

Seamless experience from the first touch as members are connected to the best fit behavioral health resources based on their specific needs and preferences.

Money Saved Through GRO+

By infusing performance, quality, and access into every facet of your behavioral healthcare experience, GRO+ delivers significant cost savings for payers, providers, members, and families:


Save through avoided/reduced claims and administrative costs.


Benefit from optimized resource allocation and reduced waste.

Members and Families

Enjoy lower out-of-pocket expenses due to efficient care delivery and preventative health measures.

Join the GRO+ Movement Today

Transform your members behavioral healthcare experience with GRO+, the self-funded payer solution that prioritizes performance, quality, and access. Empower your organization, enhance care delivery, and ensure the best outcomes for everyone.

Contact us today to learn more about how GRO+ can do the work for you!

Redefining behavioral healthcare for a better tomorrow.

Why Choose ERPHealth?


Save through avoided/reduced claims and administrative costs.


Benefit from optimized resource allocation and reduced waste.

Members and Families

Enjoy lower out-of-pocket expenses due to efficient care delivery and preventative health measures.

Join the GRO+ Movement Today


Transform your members behavioral healthcare experience with GRO+, the self- funded payer solution that prioritizes performance, quality, and access. Empower your organization, enhance care delivery, and ensure the best outcomes for everyone.

 Contact us today to learn more about how GRO+ can do the work for you!


Redefining behavioral healthcare for a better tomorrow.

GRO by ERPHealth from ERPHealth on Vimeo. GRO by ERPHealth is an enterprise-grade technology that leverages the power of patient-reported data to individualize treatment, promote health equity, and position providers as industry leaders.